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Adolescent Girls

Girl Time

Adolescence is a period of development when young people try to establish a personal identity.  I work both individually and in groups, to help empower girls to become strong women. I teach girls to develop healthier body image, improve goal setting skills, deal with stress, sexual development and how to have healthy relationships.


Adolescence is both extremely stressful for the child, as well as for the parents. Adolescents may feel invincible as they try to separate from their parents.  But, it is this feeling of invincibility that worries parents the most. Adolescents may make poor decisions based on trying to please their peers, because of hormonal changes, or simply because they are determined.  


For adolescent girls, changing bodies can lead to further insecurities, which can lead to body image issues, disordered eating, and a change in social status.  Girl-on-girl bullying (cliques) can exacerbate a girl's insecurities, which can lead to serious problems, such as depression and self-harming behaviors.


Adolescents experience their emotions intensely.  This is a tumultuous time and can feel like a roller coaster ride.  These girls can greatly benefit from developing a more secure sense of self.  Therapy can help balance their emotions so that they have the tools to make smarter decisions and feel better about themselves.


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